Creating Platforms for Community + Artists

Sanitary Tortilla Factory
401-403 2nd St SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102

(505) 228-3749

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In the Waiting Room by hazel batrezchavez

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“my grandmother is here tonight
she writes like this
highlighter on lineless paper
bible verses
she pins them onto her mirror
so her survival tactics are reflected back at me
In The Waiting Room
where i am standing just as i am here now
surrounded by whiteness to my right and left
i don’t run here anymore, because there is no where to go ”

– excerpt from In the Waiting Room Poem by hazel batrezchavez

In the Waiting Room, is an exhibition that bears witness to the places where
individuals are asked to perform their identity, in highlighting the microaggressions
faced by someone who is racialized in crossing borders, inverting practices of authority
and focusing on the historical violence of language. In the Waiting Room, draws
parallels between the southern border and the institution as systems of oppression that
take up space and silence certain humans. The work is built as a reaction to the
current cultural landscape the artist navigates and moves freely between the written word,
large scale sculpture, textiles, performance, and video installation.