Cedra Wood
January 24 – February 28, 2020
Opening Reception: February 7, 6-8 pm
In A Soft Eye, A Mirror-Eye, Cedra Wood presents to-scale drawings of two species: the camel and the turkey vulture. Drawn to both of these groups because of their hardihood, resilience, and elegance, Wood creates intimate portraits, attempting to depict each animal in a way that defies both description and stereotype.
In one of the two series, Wood showcases the individuality of nine camels she worked with on a ranch in Texas, affectionately presenting the animals’ disparate personalities and physiognomies. The work stands as a testament to the distinctive character of each of these “ships of the desert.” The second body of drawings comprises five portraits of a single turkey vulture, a resident of the New Mexico Wildlife Center. Humans often react to vultures either with revulsion, fear, or superstition, which Wood hopes to counterpoint by presenting Sol’s physical features precisely and reverently, letting his remarkable qualities speak for themselves.
Banner Image: Portrait of SOL 1, 20″x26″, graphite on paper, 2019